Eco-Industrial: The Manufacturer’s Guide To Going Green

published Oct 02, 2020
1 min read

Industrial Greenhouse Gas Emissisions

Industrial activities account for around twenty-two per cent of greenhouse gas emissions. This percentage of emissions makes for a sizable chunk of humanity’s negative impact on the environment. Recent research results, complemented by measurable climate change, have put climate change deniers right up there with flat earthers when it comes to blatant ignorance.

It is the responsibility of every leader of the industry to address these issues so as to create a sustainable global footprint, in the hopes of minimising the long term impact of human-made climate change. There are feasible options when looking into methods to enforce change.

Industrial heating oil is popular with businesses for this very reason, an example of the many cost-effective strategies that both benefit the environment and your bottom line. To make a measurable impact, one must also consider a holistic approach to the problem. Many of these solutions do offer financial incentives to justify their use.

Clean Heating

Starting with the industrial heating oil (IHO) we mentioned, there are sensible ways to manage on-premises heating. IHO is clean-burning, containing none of the particulates associated with traditional fuels used in heating. This means that they have a near-zero impact on the environment while offering a non-carcinogenic heating source.

In most countries, IHO is also duty-free, a form of government incentive to promote the use of green heating solutions. When considering the already favourable cost of IHO when compared to any of the more commonly used fossil fuels, it becomes difficult to justify not making the transition.

Insulation And Thermal Regulation

It is all too easy to think of thermal energy as an ethereal byproduct of climate control, not in any way tangible outside of its production. Technological advances over the last few years have created the foundations for a paradigm shift in our approach to thermal energy. Produced heat can now be stored in thermal batteries for reuse.

Combined with an effective insulation strategy, you can exercise a considerable amount of control over both temperatures. A simple shift in thinking means that you will come to see heat as a measurable resource, and cooling to be the strategic redirection of said heat. Implementing strategies based on these simple principles can save your company a fortune while reducing consumption by way of simple efficiency.

Updating Production Equipment

It is, unfortunately, a fact that older equipment is less energy efficient. This is due in part to improved technology, and in part to a deliberate effort to improve upon detrimental environmental impact in the manufacturing process. Outdated machinery is expensive to replace; however, there is an ROI when it comes to more efficient production.

The principle differs significantly from machine to machine, but the essence of the matter is that the lower energy consumption is not only achieved by improved functional efficiency, but by making precision improvement to every facet of the function. Therefore, over a while, you will see notable returns justifying the upgrade by way of saving on production costs.